A’awari – Cannibalistic Mookla’ayan tribe at war with the Powaii.
Achthium – In Hrothgari mythology, the Great Smithy, creator of the earth and its inhabitants.
Adwan – A Hrothgari dwarf; father of Alfrigg.
Aethelred – Father of Htomah and a former Entient. Onetime friend to Vagorum, king of the Hrothgari.
Alfrigg – A Hrothgari dwarf; bairn of Adwan.
Alganov – An Entient of Whitlock.
Algorath – A renegade Entient; ancestor to Darinor.
Allion – A hunter and woodsman of the village Diln. [Highlight]: Later captain (Fason) of the City Shield of Krynwall; serves as regent in the absence of the king.
Amber – A Nymph jailor; kinmate to Mirren.
Annleia Solymir – Daughter of Laressa; granddaughter of Lord Lorre.
Arn – A mercenary from the land of Yawacor.
Ashwar – An Elder of the Circle of City Elders of Krynwall. Accomplice to Vorric Haze.
Ashwin – A soldier of the City Shield of Krynwall; member of an expedition to Yawacor.
Augelot – A lord of Palladur.
Autumn of the Rain – A castaway and later companion to the pirate captain Red Raven.
Bannok – King of Souaris who formed the League of Man; chief architect of the Proclamation of Man, which divided Tritos east and west into the lands of Partha and Kuuria and proclaimed the Age of Man (Year 0 AM).
Bannon – Lieutenant General, Sixth Division, unified Parthan Legion.
Banon – Eighth Elder of the village Diln.
Barak – A valor sergeant and cavalry squad commander of the Parthan Legion.
Bardik – A freedom fighter and West Wedge commander of the Southern Liberation Force of Wylddeor.
Barwn – An Entient of Whitlock.
“Black Spar” – Pirate and first mate of the Raven’s Squall.
Bohwens – A lieutenant and master of scouts for the Southern Liberation Force of Wylddeor.
Boldin – A battalion commander (colonel) of the Parthan Legion.
“Brack” – A pirate and boatswain of the Raven’s Squall.
Brae – Sergeant (Second Rank) of the City Shield of Krynwall.
Braegen – A merchant master of Kasseri; uncle to Saena.
Brand – A ship’s boy aboard the Pirate’s Folly.
Brokk – A Hrothgari dwarf; serves as hurler captain aboard Vashen’s lead siege rover; brother to Tegg.
Brolin – A mountain ranger and member of Traver’s expeditionary troop from Vagarbound.
Broyle – A soldier of the Bastion at Neak-Thur, in service to Lord Lorre; partner to Denron.
Bullrum (“Bull”) – A soldier in Krynwall’s Legion of the Sword; member of an expedition to Yawacor.
Caresh – A platoon commander (sergeant) of the Parthan Legion.
Carrus – A royal guardsman of Krynwall.
Caruth – Great-grandfather to Rogun.
Castleguard – The palace guard of the city of Atharvan.
Ceilhigh – A pantheon of gods recognized by the Finlorian elves and later the human kingdoms of Pentania.
Chamaar – General of the Rogues’ Garrison at Neak-Thur and later prime commander of the Southern Liberation Force of Wylddeor.
Cheel – A demon minion of Spithaera, leech-like in form.
Cianellen – Lady of the Valley. A presumed avatar of the Ceilhigh.
Ciaran – A Finlorian guardian lord, protector of the king or queen.
Circle of City Elders of Krynwall – Governing council of the city Krynwall, established by King Torin.
Circle of Elders – Governing council of the village Diln. (See Banon, Esaias, Hidee, Leuk, Olenn, Rigdon, Taya, Vahl).
City Shield of Krynwall – See Fasor.
Clave – Master swordhand aboard the Pirate’s Folly.
“Conger” – A pirate of the Raven’s Squall.
Corathel – Chief General, Parthan West Legion, garrisoned at Crylag. Later chief general of the unified Parthan Legion.
Cordan – A bearer (Third Rank) of the City Shield of Krynwall; member of an expedition to Yawacor.
Corman – Bearer (Third Rank) of the City Shield of Krynwall; serves as sentry for Marisha.
Council of Lords – The council of ruling noblemen of the barony of Palladur. (See Satallion).
Council of Rogues – Governing body at Neak-Thur; responsible for the defense of Wylddeor against Lord Lorre.
Coy – A child resident of the village Diln.
Craggenbrun (“Crag”) – A Tuthari dwarf; bairn of Ragglesband.
Culmaril – The royal family of Souaris. (See Thelin, Loisse, Garett, and Elwonyssa).
Cwingen Grawl – Former chieftain of the native Powaii; grandfather of Cwingen U’uyen.
Cwingen U’uyen – Chieftain of the native Powaii; grandson of Cwingen Grawl.
Dahl – An oafish slave trader.
Darinor – Storyteller who shares with young Jarom a history of the Dragon Wars and of the Swords of Asahiel. Seventh great-grandson of the renegade Entient, Algorath. Father of Marisha and gatekeeper of the Illysp seal.
Darros – Squad commander (corporal) of the Parthan Legion.
Deliah – Deceased wife of King Galdric of Partha.
Demon Queen – See Spithaera.
Demons – The children of Spithaera. (See Cheel, Gravlith, Lobac, Mitzb, Raxxth, Rwom.)
Demwei – Guiding council of the Finlorian people; advisors to the king or queen.
Denarr – A Finlorian guardian lord.
Dengyn – Lieutenant General, Fifth Division, unified Parthan Legion.
Denron – A soldier of the Bastion at Neak-Thur, in service to Lord Lorre; partner to Broyle.
Derreg – Emperor of Kuuria. Father (architect and ruler) of the city Morethil.
Deven – First Son (crown prince) of Morethil. Eldest surviving son of Emperor Derreg and heir to the empire of Kuuria.
Donal – Sergeant (Second Rank) of the City Shield of Krynwall.
Dragonspawn – Humanoid dragons spawned by Killangrathor and enlisted by Spithaera as militia.
Dral Morga – The Illychar name taken by a city guardsman of Krynwall. Accomplice to Vorric Haze.
Duggarian (“Dugg”) – A Hrothgari dwarf; boiler master of Vashen’s siege rover.
Duke of Kord – Baleth, younger brother of King Sirrus; uncle to Sorl.
Dunnel – A Parthan outrider.
Durin – A Hrothgari dwarf; bairn of Nethrim.
Dyanne – A Nymph Hunter; kinmate to Holly; sister of Dynara.
Dynara – Granmarch (clan leader) of the Fenwa (Nymphs); kinmate to Naia; sister of Dyanne.
Eames – Captain of the Drakmar military.
Eban – Chief minister of the Parthan city of Atharvan.
Eitri – A Hrothgari dwarf; bairn of Yarro.
Ellebe – Queen of Alson; mother of Soric and Torin.
Elwonyssa (“Lyssa”) Culmaril – Young princess of Souaris; daughter of Thelin and Loisse.
Emric – An Elder of the Circle of City Elders of Krynwall. Accomplice to Vorric Haze.
Entients – Order of human avatars, set upon the earth to observe and chronicle the affairs of man for the gods they serve. (See Alganov, Barwn, Htomah, Jedua, Maventhrowe, Merreseth, Oreshand, Prather, Quinlan, Ranunculus, Sovenson, Uthan, Wislome)
Eolin Solymir – Keifer of the Finlorian elves; husband of Laressa; last of the Vandari.
Esaias – First Elder of the village Diln; Jarom’s adoptive father.
Ethric – A trapper, furrier, and mountain guide; onetime lead bounty hunter in service to Lord Lorre; senior partner to Traver.
Evhan – A lieutenant (First Rank) of the City Shield of Krynwall. Later promoted to captain (Fason).
Faldron – A renowned armorer of Krynwall, rumored to specialize in palace intrigues.
Farial – A Finlorian guardian lord.
Farron – A stablemaster of Earthwyn.
Fason (Village Shield) – The position of guardianship of the village Diln. Later, captain of the Fasor (City Shield) of Krynwall.
Fasor (City Shield of Krynwall) – Guardians and protectors of Krynwall; captained by a single Fason.
Fawn – A Nymph Hunter; kinmate to Jess.
Fenwa (“Nymphs”) – A band of female rangers of Wylddeor. Dubbed “Nymphs” by the rogues of the Southland.
Finlorians – A nation of elves.
“Flambard” – A pirate and marauder of the Raven’s Squall.
Gage – A squad commander (corporal) of the Parthan Legion.
Galdric – King of Partha.
Garett (“Rett”) Culmaril – Young prince of Souaris; son of Thelin and Loisse.
Garm – A traveling merchant.
Garungum – A Hrothgari dwarf; father of Tyrungrum.
Gavrin (“Moss”) – A rogue of Wylddeor; trapper, hunter, trader, guide, scout.
Getarin Ta’alo – Powaii warrior; comrade to Cwingen U’uyen.
Ghellenay – Baroness of Palladur; cousin to Satallion.
Gilden (“Lancer”) – A freedom fighter and Central Wedge commander of the Southern Liberation Force of Wylddeor.
Gorum – Merchant captain employed by Saena’s uncle, Braegen.
Gravlith – A demon minion of Spithaera; golem-like in form. Serves as general of her dragonborn armies.
Grimm (Vagrimmel) – A watchman of the city Krynwall.
Haakon – Ancient king of Menzos who staved off the invasion of Partha’s King Iskin at Bane Draw (Iskin’s Bane).
Hadric – A Parthan soldier.
Hamus – A minister of public works for the Parthan city of Atharvan.
Hargenfeld (“Rags”) – Renowned trapper and mountain guide of Yawacor.
Heman – A lieutenant of the Drakmar military.
Hidee – Fifth Elder of the village Diln.
Hocker – Helmsman aboard the Pirate’s Folly.
Holly – A Nymph Hunter; kinmate to Dyanne.
Hopper – A tailor in the outpost city of Vagarbound.
Hreidmar – His Glory, King of the Hrothgari; bairn of Vagorum.
Hrothgari – A nation of dwarves.
Htomah – An Entient of Whitlock.
Iigo – Master boatswain aboard the Pirate’s Folly.
Illychar – An Illysp that has taken physical form through possession of a mortal coil.
Illysp – A race of flesh-stealing demon spirits.
Iskin – Ancient king of Partha who failed to conquer Kraagen Keep; defeated at Bane Draw (Iskin’s Bane).
Itz lar Thrakkon – “The Boundless One.” Self-proclaimed lord of the Illysp.
Jaecy – A serving girl at the Giant’s Tongue, in the outpost city of Vagarbound.
Jaik – A freedom fighter and East Wedge commander of the Southern Liberation Force of Wylddeor.
Janus – A squad commander (corporal) of the Parthan Legion.
Jaquith Wyevesces (“Weave”) – A Powaii scout.
Jarom – Fason of the village Diln; son of Esaias.
Jasyn – Lieutenant General, Second Division, Parthan West Legion. [Highlight]: Later lieutenant general (Second Division) of the unified Parthan Legion.
Jedua – An Entient of Whitlock.
Jenarin – A cavalry squad commander (corporal) of the Parthan Legion.
Jess – A Nymph Hunter; kinmate to Fawn.
“Jib” – A pirate of the Raven’s Squall.
Joakim – A Parthan soldier.
Jorkin – Merchant captain of the Pirate’s Folly.
Jovanek – A lieutenant (First Rank) of the City Shield of Krynwall.
Kae (Karrelae) – A lead interpreter of the Parthan army, specializing in the Mookla’ayan tongue.
Kael-Magus – An Illysp lord.
Kaleth – A Parthan soldier.
Kallen – A soldier of the City Shield of Krynwall; member of an expedition to Yawacor; brother to Silas.
Kamis – An Elder of the Circle of City Elders of Krynwall. Accomplice to Vorric Haze.
Kardan – Governor of Wingport.
“Keel Haul” (Kell) – A pirate of the Raven’s Squall.
Kethra Dane – An Illychar commander; giantess. Companion to Rek Gerra.
Kien – A city guardsman of Krynwall.
Kifur – A mountain ranger and member of Traver’s expeditionary troop from Vagarbound.
Killangrathor – Black dragon said to live in the bowels of Mount Krakken. The last of his kind.
Kylac Kronus – Former assassin turned sojourner.
Lagge – A squad commander (corporal) of the Parthan Legion.
Lar – Lieutenant General, Fourth Division, Parthan West Legion.
Laressa Solymir – Half-elven daughter of Lord Lorre; wife of Eolin.
Ledryk – Lieutenant General, First Division, Parthan West Legion.
Lemm – A liveryman of Earthwyn.
Leuk – Seventh Elder of the village Diln.
Lewellyns – Society of men and women dedicated to a study of the healing arts. (See Marisha, Nimbrus).
Leyem – An aide to King Thelin of Souaris.
Lobac – A demon minion of Spithaera, wolf-like in form.
Logrim – An Elder of the Circle of City Elders of Krynwall. Accomplice to Vorric Haze.
Loisse Culmaril – Queen of Souaris; wife of Thelin; mother of Garett and Elwonyssa.
Lorre – Self-proclaimed overlord of Yawacor.
Lorron – High Guardian of the city Morethil.
“Mackerel” – Pirate and second mate of the Raven’s Squall; serves as helmsman.
Madrach – Captain of Soric’s mercenary guardsmen on the isle of Shattercove; brother to Red Raven.
Maltyk – Lieutenant General, Third Division, Parthan West Legion. [Highlight]: Later lieutenant general (Third Division) of the unified Parthan Legion.
Malus – A tavern patron encountered in the seaport town of Gammelost.
Marisha Valour – A Lewellyn apprentice. [Highlight]: Later Marisha Lewellyn, in memory of her former people; daughter of Darinor.
Maventhrowe – High Entient of Whitlock.
Merreseth – An Entient of Whitlock.
Mirren – A Nymph jailor; kinmate to Amber.
Mitzb – A demon minion of Spithaera, bat-like in form.
Mookla’ayans – An ancient race of elves native to the lands of Pentania.
Naia – A Nymph leader; kinmate to Dynara.
Necanicum – A witch and necromancer of the Widowwood.
Nethrim – A Hrothgari dwarf; father of Durin.
Nevik – Heir to the barony of Drakmar; son of Nohr.
Nieten – Giant salamander-like creature living in a swampland lake deep within the jungles of Vosges.
Nimbrus – Master of the Lewellyn sect residing in Feverroot.
Nohr – Baron of Drakmar; father of Nevik. Rival of Satallion for the throne of Alson.
“Nymphs” – See Fenwa.
Olenn – Sixth Elder of the village Diln.
Oobolso Bwinem – Powaii warrior; comrade to Cwingen U’uyen.
Ordem – Treasury minister for the Parthan city of Atharvan.
Oreshand – An Entient of Whitlock.
Orru – Innkeeper of the Queen’s Hive, in the city of Krynwall.
Pagus – Chief herald of the royal palace of Krynwall.
Paladius – Royal escort to Garett and Elwonyssa Culmaril.
“Pike” – A pirate of the Raven’s Squall.
Powaii – Kinder, more civilized Mookla’ayan tribe at war with the A’awari.
Prather – An Entient of Whitlock.
Quinlan – An Entient of Whitlock.
Raegak – A Hrothgari dwarf; bairn of Raethor.
Raethor – A Hrothgari dwarf; father of Raegak.
Ragenon – Chief commander (colonel) of the Parthan garrison at Leaven.
Ranunculus – An Entient of Whitlock.
Ravar – An ocean-dwelling leviathan.
Raxxth – A demon minion of Spithaera, and the most savage of her brood.
“Red Raven” (Karulos) – Pirate and captain of the Raven’s Squall.
Rek Gerra – An Illychar commander; giant. Companion to Kethra Dane.
Rigdon – Second Elder of the village Diln.
Rogun – General and chief commander of the armies of Alson, garrisoned at Krynwall.
Rwom – A demon minion of Spithaera, worm-like in form.
Rynar – Lieutenant General, Fifth Division, Parthan West Legion.
Sabaoth – High King of Tritos and the Finlorian Empire; ruler of Thrak-Symbos.
Saena – A prison attendant in the service of Lord Lorre.
Satallion – High Lord of Palladur. Rival of Nohr for the throne of Alson.
Shaundra – Wife of Lord Lorre, now deceased; mother to Laressa.
Silas – A soldier of the City Shield of Krynwall; member of an expedition to Yawacor; brother to Kallen.
Sirrus – A former king of Alson; father of Sorl.
Skatchykem – The Hrothgari term for an Illysp that has taken physical form through possession of a mortal coil.
“Sloop” – A pirate of the Raven’s Squall.
Soric – Crown prince of Alson; son of Sorl; elder brother to Torin.
Sorl – King of Alson; son of Sirrus; father of Soric and Torin.
Southern Liberation Force – An army of rogues recruited by General Chamaar to reclaim the city of Neak-Thur.
Sovenson – An Entient of Whitlock.
Spithaera (Demon Queen) – A demon avatar.
Stephan – Chief seneschal of Krynwall.
Tahnos – A tavern patron of the Gilded Tankard.
Tam – A shop boy and hopeful apprentice to Faldron.
Taya – Fourth Elder of the village Diln.
Tegg – A Hrothgari dwarf; serves as driver aboard a siege rover; brother to Brokk.
Tehmin – A royal guardsman of Krynwall.
Teldara – Spirits of divination called upon in ancient orcish tradition.
Tevarian – A Kuurian archer.
Thaddreus – First Elder and speaker of the Circle of City Elders of Krynwall.
Thaggon – A Hrothgari patrol leader (toifeam).
Thayre – A Hrothgari dwarf. Serves as military advisor (Ungar Warder) to King Hreidmar.
Thelin Culmaril – King of Souaris; husband of Loisse; father of Garett and Elwonyssa.
Thromb – A Hrothgari dwarf. Serves as primary commander (Ungar Warder) in the absence of Warder General Vashen.
Tonra – A female Hrothgari who serves as courier aboard Vashen’s lead siege rover.
Torin – Lesser prince of Alson; son of Sorl; younger brother to Soric. [Highlight]: Later, king of Alson.
Trask – Senior commander of the wizard’s mercenary forces at Krynwall.
Traver – A trapper, furrier, and mountain guide; serves also as bounty hunter in service to Lord Lorre; junior partner to Ethric.
Troy – High commander of Souari army.
Tuthari – A nation of dwarves; cousins to the Hrothgari.
Tyrungrum (“Grum”) – A Hrothgari dwarf; bairn of Garungum.
Ulgrenshem (“Shem”) – A Hrothgari dwarf; advisor to King Hreidmar.
Ulric – A soldier of the City Shield of Krynwall; member of an expedition to Yawacor; native of the seaport town of Gammelost.
Uthan – An Entient of Whitlock.
Vagorum – Father of Hreidmar and former king of the Hrothgari. Onetime friend to Htomah’s father, Aethelred.
Vahl – Third Elder of the village Diln.
Vandari – A warrior sect of Finlorian elves who were the first mortal wielders of the Crimson Swords. Later, a descendent Finlorian sect dedicated to the preservation of the Crimson Swords, and responsible for the secrets of the Illysp War.
Vashen – Primary commander (Warder General) of the Hrothgari military and first defender of Ungarveld.
Venmore – A battalion commander (colonel) of the Legion of the Sword, army of Krynwall.
Vinn – A battalion commander (colonel) of the Parthan Legion.
Vorric Haze – An Illysp lord in the absence of Kael-Magus.
Warrlun – A commander of Lord Lorre’s armies.
Wislome – An Entient of Whitlock.
Wylddeans (“Wild Ones”) – A name used to identify the independent, free-roving peoples of southern Yawacor.
Wynn – Captain of the Souari royal guard, personal defenders of King Thelin Culmaril.
Xarius Talyzar – An assassin.
Yarro – A Hrothgari dwarf; father of Eitri.
Zain – Commander-in-waiting of Krynwall’s armies; right hand to General Rogun.
Aefengaard – A valley located in the Splinterwood.
Alson – Western nation of Pentania. Rich and fertile land diminished by the exploits of a hedonistic king.
Aspandel Mountains – Range separating Kuuria from Partha and Vosges. Home to the Entients’ stronghold of Whitlock.
Atharvan – Capital city of Partha, set in a region of broken hills and canyons. Dubbed “King of the East”.
Bane Draw (“Iskin’s Bane”) – Draw south of Kraagen Keep, named for the defeat of King Iskin of Partha.
Bannok’s Fist – A dam at the headwaters of the Shia River, on the western heights of the Aspandel Mountains in Kuuria.
Bastion – Giant battlement that serves as gateway between lands north (Lorrehaim) and south (Wylddeor) on the continent of Yawacor.
Battlemont – A military outpost located in southern Partha at the edge of the Kalmira Forest.
Billak Mar – A city of Lorrehaim on the western coast.
Conthur Keep – A city of Kuuria.
Crylag – A major city of Partha, located near the Fields of Ravacost on the Parthan-Menzo front.
Dagger Canyon – Canyon that wards Kraagen Keep, carved by an ancient tributary of the Llornel River, now run dry.
Diln – A forest village in Alson. Home of Jarom and Allion.
Dirrk – A city located in central Partha, south of Crylag.
Dragonscale Cleft – Pass that cuts through a southern stretch of the Dragontails.
Dragontail Mountains – Range that lines the eastern coast of Yawacor.
Dragonwood (“Rogues’ Forest”) – Forest of southern Wylddeor.
Drakmar – A barony of south-central Alson. Rival to Palladur.
Durthur Keep – A city of Kuuria.
Earthwyn – An unwalled city of Alson, set in the southern reaches of the Kalgren Forest.
Emerald River – A river running southwest from the Skullmar Mountains through the Kalmira Forest of southern Partha.
Emering Mountains – A small range of northwestern Alson.
Fahren Cleft – A mountain defile outside the Parthan city of Atharvan.
Fenwood – {See Widowwood}
Feverroot – A small community of healers, located in the Kalmira Forest of southern Partha.
Fields of Ravacost – A war-torn region that serves as the primary battlefront between the armies of Menzos and Partha.
Gaermont Ridge – A mountain ridge outside the Parthan city of Atharvan.
Gammelost – A bustling seaport on the western shore of Alson.
Gaperon – Pass that cuts between the Tenstrock and Aspandel mountain ranges, forming the primary gateway between the land of Kuuria and its northern neighbors.
Giant’s Tongue – Tavern meathouse in the outpost city of Vagarbound.
Gilded Tankard – Tavern in Razorport, on the coast of Yawacor.
Glendon – A city of Alson located just north of the Kalgren Forest. Neighbor to Diln.
Goblin Reach – Pass that marks the boundary between the Dragontail and the Trollslay mountain ranges.
Grimhold – An ancient mages’ stronghold on the uncharted isle of Shattercove. Home to the wizard Soric.
Gunarian Trail – A northerly trail from Atharvan to the shores of Llornel Lake, in Partha.
Haakon’s Arch – Finger of land which spans Dagger Canyon and offers passage to Kraagen Keep via Bane Draw.
Hanoan Promontory – A promontory overlooking the principal highway leading south from Krynwall.
Hokkum Spire – An anchor point for those seeking to hold the southern Gaperon against an army of Illychar in the Second Illysp War.
Hrothgar – A kingdom of dwarves living in the shadow-earth beneath the Skullmar Mountains of eastern Tritos (Pentania).
Hunarrian Loop – A route of tunnels beneath the shadow-earth, outside the Hrothgari city of Ungarveld.
Hynara Tree – The great council tree of the Finlorian people. An ageless ironwood.
Kalgren Forest – A forest located in eastern Alson. Home to the village Diln, and to the cities of Glendon and Earthwyn.
Kalgren Fork – The eastern fork of Alson’s Royal River, which runs along the western edge of the Kalgren Forest.
Kalmira Forest – A forest located in southern Partha, bordering the jungles of Vosges.
Kasseri – A shipbuilding town of Lorrehaim, on the eastern coast.
Kord – A city of northern Alson, home to Duke Baleth, Sorl’s uncle.
Kraagen Keep – Capital city of Menzos, set upon a plateau in a region of broken hills and knifing canyons.
Kraagmal River – A river in northern Menzos, south and west of Kraagen Keep.
Krynwall – Capital city of Alson.
Kuuria – Southern nation of Pentania. Oldest and largest of the human kingdoms.
Lake Hivron – A large lake located in central Kuuria.
Lake Tanir – A lake of northern Wylddeor.
Latymir – A town of Wylddeor, just east of the Dragonscale cleft.
Laulk – Sister city to Leaven, located on the western slopes of the Whistlecrag Mountains, on the border between Partha and Alson.
Leaven – A bustling city on the border between three nations, Alson, Partha, and Menzos. Dubbed “Queen of the East”.
Llornel Lake – A large lake located in southern Menzos / northern Partha.
Llornel River – A river in northern Menzos, south and east of Kraagen Keep.
Lorrehaim (“Northland”) – Northern realm of Yawacor; domain of Lord Lorre.
Menzos – Northeastern land of Pentania that has long been fighting a war of independence against its southern neighbor, Partha.
Merrethain River – A small river in Partha, near Corathel’s boyhood home.
Morethil – Present-day capital of Kuuria. The largest, newest and cleanest of the human cities.
Morgan’s Harrow – A ridge along which coalition forces set their defensive line against the Illychar at the southern mouth of the Gaperon in the Second Illysp War.
Morganthur – Former capital city of Kuuria. Abandoned in favor of the newer Morethil.
Morjal – A major city of Menzos, located near the Fields of Ravacost on the Menzo-Parthan front.
Mount Krakken – Volcanic king of the Skullmar range. Much taller and larger than any other peak. Home to the dragon Killangrathor.
Myniah – A town of northern Wylddeor on the western coast.
Neak-Thur – Fortified city that marks the boundary between lands north (Lorrehaim) and south (Wylddeor) on the continent of Yawacor.
Nehar River – A river running north and south through the land of Lorrehaim.
Nest – A settlement located in the Widowwood. Home to the Fenwa (Nymphs).
Nivvia – Island separated from the southern tip of Vosges. Uninhabited.
Nivvian Gulf – Gulf of waters formed by the southern tip of Vosges, north of the island Nivvia.
Oloron Sea – Ocean cradling the island continent of Pentania and the western continent of Yawacor.
Palladur – A barony of southwestern Alson. Rival to Drakmar.
Partha – Southeastern nation of Pentania that once consisted of the entire eastern half of the continent, but has long been fighting to quell the insurrection of its northern neighbor, Menzos.
Pentania – Name given to the island continent of Tritos nearly 400 years ago, after the fall of the Finlorian elves (3,000 years ago) and the rise of the human nations.
Queen’s Hive – An inn of ill repute in the city of Krynwall.
Raemes – Secluded isle southeast of Pentania to which the renegade Entient Algorath fled following the Illysp War. Island home to which his seventh-great-grandson Darinor is born.
Razorport – Small seaport on the eastern coast of Wylddeor.
Royal River – A river running south through central Alson.
Sekulon – Nesting lands of humankind, from which man sailed forth to settle other lands, such as Tritos. Continent upon which Spithaera first emerged 1,000 years prior to re-emergence on Pentania.
Serpent Reach – Pass that marks the boundary between the Dragontail and the Wyvern Spur mountain ranges.
Shadow-earth – Term given to the unexplored, subterranean realms of Pentania.
Shattercove – An uncharted isle off the eastern coast of Yawacor. Home to the wizard Soric.
Shia River – A river running southwest through central Kuuria.
Shimmeril – Valley home to Cianellen.
Shiro – A city of central Kuuria.
Skullmar Mountains – Range lining the eastern coast of Pentania, and which are said by some to have been born of more than mere nature. Easily the largest and most menacing of Pentania’s mountain ranges. Home to Mount Krakken and to the ruins of Thrak-Symbos.
Souaris – First human city on Tritos. Known for its mining trade and for its impervious defenses. Dubbed the “City of Man”.
South River – A river running south through southwestern Alson.
Splinterwood (“Forgotten Forest”) – Northland forest grown up between the Trollslay and Wyvern Spur Mountains. Home to the valley of Aefengaard.
Stralk – A city of Kuuria, third largest behind Morethil and Souaris.
Sydwahr – A town of northern Wylddeor, on the shores of Lake Tanir.
Tanir River – A river running from the northeast to the southwest through northern Wylddeor.
Tenstrock Mountains – Range dividing the land of Alson to the north from the land of Kuuria to the south.
Thornspur – A key bluff at the southern mouth of the Gaperon.
Thrak-Symbos – Capitol of Tritos in the time of the Finlorian elves. Now a buried city in the southern coastal regions of the Skullmar Mountains. Said to be the resting place of the last known Crimson Sword.
Tonner’s Fang – An anchor point for those seeking to hold the southern Gaperon against an army of Illychar in the Second Illysp War.
Tresc Thor – A city of Kuuria.
Tritos – Original name for the island continent of Pentania. Tritos was the largest of the ancient Finlorian Isles, inhabited by the Finlorian elves from 10,000 to 3,000 years ago.
Trollslay Mountains – Range that forms the northwestern fork of the Dragontails.
Ungarveld – Capital city of the dwarven kingdom of Hrothgar.
Vagarbound – A town of Lorrehaim, on the western slopes of the Dragontail Mountains.
Veil – Name given the falls warding the underground entrance to Aefengaard.
Vosges – Land of jungle marshes that form the southeastern peninsula of Pentania. Home to the aboriginal inhabitants, the Mookla’ayans.
Whisperwood – A forest of western Alson, south of the Emering Mountains.
Whistlecrag Mountains – Range dividing Alson to the west from Menzos and Partha to the east.
Whitlock – Secret stronghold buried high on the eastern slopes of the Aspandel Mountains. Home to the mystical Entients.
Widowwood (“Nymphs’ Forest”) – Southland forest just north of the Dragonwood. Home to the Fenwa (Nymphs) and their settlement (the Nest). Also known as the Fenwood.
Wingport – A mighty seaport on the southern shore of Kuuria.
Witchwood (“Forbidden Forest”) – Northland forest grown up along the eastern coast. Home to Cianellen’s valley of Shimmeril.
Wormroad – Road running east-west around the southern face of the Parthan city of Leaven.
Wylddeor (“Southland”) – Southern realm of Yawacor; Land of Rogues.
Wyvern Spur Mountains – Range that forms the northeastern fork of the Dragontails.
Yawacor – A frontier land of warlords and cutthroats, found west of Pentania across the Oloron Sea.
Carafix of Life – A representation of the universal energies by which all life is composed, used in the study of magic.
Dragon Orb – A mystical talisman of great power and origin, set to serve as the “lock” upon the Illysp seal.
Kronus Blades – A set of blades discovered by Kylac Kronus in a cove in the northern Skullmars. Of unknown origin, they are razor sharp, and virtually invincible.
Pendant of Asahiel – A secret artifact, said to be fashioned from one of the heartstones of a Sword of Asahiel.
Swords of Asahiel – Mythical blades said to have been used in the forging of the earth.
Wellstone – A crystal used as a conduit for absorbing, storing, and redirecting bursts of concentrated energy.