Late notice for many of you, I’m sure, but for those who like to have their books read to them, an audiobook version of Shawn Speakman’s Unfettered anthology was released last week. To help commemorate this release, we’re pleased to offer a free copy of this or Shawn’s The Dark Thorn, from
For a chance to win, simply reply in the comments section of either this original blog post, or where it appears on our Facebook fan page, with a prediction of the final margin of victory in this weekend’s upcoming NFL Super Bowl XLVIII between the Seattle Seahawks and Denver Broncos. You don’t have to predict the winner, just the difference between the final point total of each team. Think Denver might win by a field goal? Enter 3. Seattle by a touchdown? Enter 7. And so forth. Whoever comes closest to predicting the final margin of victory will be asked to provide an email address to receive the discount code for the free audiobook. In the event of a tie, whoever entered their prediction first will be determined to have won. So you might want to quickly browse previous comments before posting yours, to make sure you’re not duplicating someone else’s prediction.
And for those who may be even later to the party than I am, hardcover and ebook editions of both Unfettered and The Dark Thorn may still be available. For more, visit Grim Oak Press.