

Novels: The Legend of Asahiel - The Crimson Sword (2005) - The Obsidian Key (2006) - The Divine Talisman (2008) Warder - The Ukinhan Wilds (2018) - The Blackmoon Shards (2018) - The Sundered Isle (2018)

Battlefield Earth

While scrolling through my online movie choices this evening via Netflix, I ran across Battlefield Earth. For those who spend their time living under rocks, this is widely regarded as one of the worst films ever made. Having never seen it for myself, a morbid sense of curiosity overtook me. I mean, really, how bad

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Robin Hood

I’m often about 3-4 weeks behind in my viewing of theatrical releases, mostly because I like to wait until the crowds have thinned… giving me a better chance to listen to the movie rather than the guy munching on popcorn and candy behind me, who seems to take pride in telling everyone around him what’s happening

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